
Mount Pacifico from Pinion Flats

Distance: About 8.5 miles RT
Elevation gain: About 2000 ft.

Directions to Trailhead: From the 210, drive north on Rte. 2, 26.5 miles to the intersection with Sulpher Springs Road (Three Points). Turn left (north) and go 3.6 miles total from this point as follows: drive paved road past some private driveways, past Horse Flats road, past Adler Saddle until we reach a wide intersection with County Road 5N04. Take the right-hand fork and drive approximately 1 more mile across Pinyon Flats until you see the Pacific Crest Trail intersect with the road. Park some 100 yards beyond the PCT crossing.

The Hike: Follows the PCT for most of the way going past two all-year springs. The PCT bypasses the peak which requires a 200 ft. vertical scramble to gain the peak. The jump-off point for the peak scramble is well beyond the 2nd spring crossing where the PCT turns toward the west as it rounds the north side of Mt. Pacifico. There is a large campground on top with pit toilets, and a group of monstrous boulders to clamber over. Be careful to return by descending at the same place where the up-scramble ended. It is easy to make a descent off the peak and suddenly be confronted with a shear drop-off.

Legend has it that Mt. Pacifico and its all-year spring were a hangout of Tiburcio Vasquez and his gang of horse thieves in the 1870's (they corralled their stolen horses at Horse Flats). In fact, the famous bandido supposedly gave it the name "Pacifico" because he could see the Pacific Ocean from the top.

Refreshments at the Trailhead

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