
Malibu Bluffs to Malibu Lagoon - Beachwalk

Distance: 8 miles RT
Elevation gain: 375 ft.

Directions to Trailhead: The starting point for our hike is the parking lot in Malibu Bluffs State Park. To get there, turn toward the ocean at Malibu Canyon Road from PCH. (Note that Malibu Canyon Road actually ends in the park, so if you’re coming from the Valley on Malibu Canyon Road, just continue right across PCH.) There are nice restroom facilities at the Michael Landon Community Building in the park and in the middle of the hike at Malibu Pier.

Summary: Depending on the time of year, pelicans, dolphins, whales or wildflowers may accompany us on the grand descent from the bluffs of Malibu to Santa Monica Bay – a memorable ramble with great views up and down the coast. Much of the beach in either direction is lined with expensive homes built on pilings. We may legally walk this beach – and any beach in California – up to the mean high-tide line. We need to respect the privacy of the property owners by walking below the tide line. Four public stairways connect Malibu Road to the beach. They offer an escape route for hikers threatened by rising water. (Hopefully the tide will not be a problem for us, except for a short distance around a rocky outcrop, where we might want to go barefoot or run really fast from rock to rock.

The Hike: The trail begins just north of the Community Building. We’ll drop to Malibu Road, and proceed across the street then down a public stairway to the beach. We will walk down the coast east(towards Santa Monica). A trek of about two miles on the wet sand will bring us to Malibu Lagoon State Beach, then we continue along the shore to Malibu Pier. Our return route will take us through the gardens of the Adamson House. Then we walk along PCH over the bridge and follow the trail through the Malibu Lagoon State Beach back to the coastline and eventually we’ll return to the bluffs for our after hike party.

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