
Shortcut Trailhead to Charlton and Vetter Mountain

Distance: 6 miles round trip (to Charlton Flat).
Elevation gain = 1500 ft.

Directions to Trailhead: The Shortcut parking area is on Angeles Crest Highway a couple hundred yards east of the junction with Upper Big Tujunga Road at Mileage paddle 43.30. There is parking on both sides but no toilet. You will pass Red Box on the way where there are toilet facilities.

Hike is on part of the Silver Moccasin Trail. The hike departs from the Angeles Crest Highway Shortcut Saddle, heading to the north, dropping down into a canyon a few hundred feet and then rising gradually to the Charlton Flat campground area. Those who wish can turn around here (or earlier); others can go on to Vetter Mountain.

Another option is to start at Charlton Flat and hike 4.25 miles to Shortcut Saddle, then arrange for a ride to pick up your car later.

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