
Cross Mountain Trail - Wilacre/Coldwater/Franklin

Distance: From 2 ˝ miles to 7 miles RT.
Elevation gain = Up to 1100 ft.

Summary: Hiking Wilacre Park is more like hiking 3 parks in one without realizing it. Wilacre, Coldwater Canyon and Fryman Canyon parks all sort of merge into each other without any sort of warning or boundary lines. Continuing on Cross Mountain Park Trail system a little further and you’ll hit Franklin Canyon Park.

Directions to Trailhead: Exit 101 freeway going south on Coldwater Canyon to signal light at Mulholland. Turn into “Tree People” parking lot on the southeast corner.

The Hike: From the parking lot you go north down some stairs to another trail level, then nearby some more stairs to another hiking level, turn right and go a short distance to a trail junction, then turn left and go up on the fire road. This is a well-traveled road for runners, hikers and dog exercisers. You have just left Coldwater Canyon Park and entered Wilacre Park.

After about 100 yards you will observe a trail on the right going up steeply. This is where the distance hikers will return to the main trail. The primary hike will continue on the fire road to the Wilacre Park entrance.

You will turn right on Fryman Road, go a short distance to Iredell Street, turn right, go another short distance and turn left on Iredell Lane. After a short walk you will observe a trail on the left going up. The distance hikers will take this trail which becomes the Rain Forrest Trail. The basic hike will go on a trail at the end of Iredell Lane and return to the starting point in 0.5 miles. This shorter total hike is 2.7 miles and 500 ft. elevation gain.

The distance hikers, now on the Rain Forrest trail, will stay on the trail rather than going right on an up-coming fire road. This is a pleasant shaded hiking trail that will take you to a fire road. Turn left and near the locked gate turn to the right and continue on a shaded trail that takes you to a small stream, which you will go down. For a short distance there are trees down on the trail and there is some scrambling required, but you will reach a fire road and turn left on Fryman Road to the Fryman Park entrance. Go up the trail and you will see trails on the left that are more interesting and that eventually returns you to the fire road near the entrance. This is about 7 miles and 1100 ft elevation gain.

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