
Devil's Canyon from Topanga Canyon Blvd.

Distance: 4 - 8 miles RT with elevation up to 600 ft. depending on individual choice.

Directions to the Trailhead: Assemble at the parking lot at the Devil’s Canyon trailhead at the north end of Topanga Canyon Blvd. To get there exit the 118 Freeway in Chatsworth at Topanga Canyon. At the bottom of the ramp make a short right turn, then a left turn up the frontage road. Within about 50 feet take a sharp right turn (almost 180 degrees) up a steep paved road (Bella Vista). Look for a sign on the right for the condo leasing office. Park there. Observe the parking colors. We have access to the hike through the condo area, down some cement stairs, and on to the canyon.

The Hike: This is a "How far do you want to go?" hike. Devil's canyon heads north and at about 2 ½ miles comes to a dam. We continue north, and the rolling landscape becomes more attractive. We encounter a gate at roughly 3 miles. One can go as far up the mountain as one wants before turning around.

After the hike we will drive back to Topanga Canyon Blvd., head south, and turn west on Chatsworth to reach the park at its end where we will have our refreshments.

Google Earth Photo - Devil's Canyon

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GPS Data:
RT = 8.1 miles
Elevation Gain = 575 ft.