Hike #1578
Seven Trees Trail, Brand Park, Glendale
September 25, 2024

Hike Leader: Ralph Shoukry

Meet at 8:00 am for start at 8:30 am.
Rabbits start hiking at an earlier time to be determined.

Please print your own hike descriptions and maps.

Directions:  Brand Park is located at 1601 W Mountain St. in Glendale.  From Interstate 5 take Western Ave. north to Mountain St. and turn right.  Enter the park on the left.   We will meet in the lower parking lot just above the baseball field next to a restroom.

The Hike:  The signed Seven Trees Trail starts behind the former Brand Mansion now converted into a library.  It climbs up to a flat rest area with a bench and the seven trees about a mile from the start. (The final climb is rather steep and sometimes slippery so watch your step.)  If you are not comfortable with steep and slippery you can still reach Seven Trees by doing the trail in reverse with a much gentler grade.  From here you have two choices.

Long Loop (7.25 miles, red on map):  Turn right and climb straight up the ridge to the Verdugo Motorway.  This route has no maintained trail and is only for the toughest among us.  Turn left on the Verdugo Motorway, passing Tongva Peak along the way, to a junction with the Brand Motorway.  Turn left and take this road back down to the parking lot.

Short Loop (2.1 miles, green on map):  From Seven Trees take the road down to where it meets the Brand Motorway.  If you want more mileage take the Brand Motorway up to the crest or as far as you want to go, returning the same way back to the parking lot.

Whichever way you go everyone should take a short side trip to visit the Brand Family Cemetary. There is a small sign pointing the way to a few stone steps climbing up to the final resting place of the Brand family including the family dogs. Leslie Brand himself is buried under a very large impressive pyramid.

After the hike bring a chair or a blanket and we will picnic on the grass of the Japanese Tea Garden located across from the parking lot.

AllTrails Map: Seven Trees Trail

Updated:  2024-07-13