Hike #1609
April 16, 2025
Rolling Hills Estates Horse Trails
Hike Leader: Jan Gardner
Meet at 8:00 am for start at 8:30 am
Rabbits will hike at an earlier time to be determined
Please print your own hike descriptions and maps.
GPS Data: (see Google Earth photo below)
Yellow Trace = 5.4 mi RT. Landfill Loop =1.5 mi.
Green trace = 5.9 mi. RT. Golf Course Overlook = 1.5 mi.
Green trace + Landfill Loop + Golf Course Overlook = 8.9 mi RT. Elevation gain less than 150 ft.
NOTE: The Green trace does not show the full hike since it uses the Circle Trail to avoid the eastern portion along the Rolling Hills Golf Course. Hand drawn maps with named trails will be provided.
Directions to Trailhead: The trailhead is at Ernie Howlett Park. Entrance is on Hawthorne Blvd. 1.1 miles south of Pacific Coast Highway at a relatively blind driveway to the right (west) with signage both in the median and on the right. Park at the left end of the lot; restrooms are in adjacent building by tennis courts. Lunch will be at the General Store (see map) where they make great sandwiches. Trails listed in the hike description are NOT marked, so please pay attention to the directions and maps.
The Hike: Proceed south (left) on the Hewlett trail (near the baseball field) which zigzags east/south along the tennis area, between houses and down to a culvert under Hawthorne Blvd. After going through the culvert, turn north (left) on the Moccasin Trail and follow it to the Landfill Loop Trail* which is another left turn. Walk the perimeter of the landfill bearing left whenever possible and observing all “No Trespassing” signs. Exit back onto the Moccasin Trail at the entrance gate and turn east (left) along the Rolling Hills Equestrian Center, cross under Crenshaw Blvd. via the culvert and continue on the Lariat Trail along the South Coast Botanic Garden to Rolling Hills Road. Restrooms are available to the left inside the back gate to the Botanic Garden if needed, otherwise turn south (right) to the crosswalk, cross Rolling Hills Road and proceed north (left) on Bent Springs Trail, then east (right) on Empty Saddle Trail, crossing Empty Saddle Road and along the Empty Saddle Club, then briefly south (right) and down a steep hillside into the Chandler Nature Preserve. Turn east (left) at the baseball field onto the Chandler Trail, bear left at the first Y intersection and turn north (hard left) onto the Golf Course Overlook Trail* at the second Y.
After remerging with the Chandler Trail, continue down then up a steep hill before proceeding between houses. Turn south (right) onto the Dapple Gray Trail and walk along the Rolling Hills Golf Course before turning east (left) around a parking lot to meet the Palos Verdes Drive East Trail where you turn south (right). At the signal turn west (right) onto the Palos Verdes Drive North Trail and continue to the General Store for lunch. After lunch proceed north on Rolling Hills Road to the Lariat Trail, turn west (left) and retrace your way to Ernie Howlett Park (skipping the Landfill Loop) for refreshments. Returning via the Palos Verdes Drive North trail, which is quite hilly, or bike path, which is flatter, is slightly shorter than retracing the morning hike.
*For shorter hikes eliminate the Landfill Loop (approx. 7.4 miles) and Golf Course Overlook (approx.6.5 miles).
Google Earth photo - Rolling Hills Horse Trails