NOTICE: Hike description content is provided only by the hike leader, and as a result, the hike leader is solely responsible for any inaccuracies. Please contact the hike leader in the event of any questions. HIKE LEADERS: To get your hike description posted on this page
send it by e-mail to the Webmaster at least two weeks prior to the hike date. Alternatively copy and paste the following into the To: box of your email app ... HIKERS: Please print your own hike descriptions and maps. This will avoid the inconvenience and save costs to the hike leader. If you have not hiked with us before and would like to join us, send an e-mail to the Webmaster or just show up at the trailhead prior to the hike start time. Check the Attendance Page to see which of your fellow hikers will be at the next hike. OTP HIKE SCHEDULE DUE TO COVID-19 Regular OTP hikes were canceled from March 18, 2020 through May 19, 2021. During this period, smaller regional hikes were conducted.
Normal OTP scheduled hikes resumed as of May 26, 2021. Starting April 9, 2025, we will switch to our summer schedule and meet at 8:00 am and hike at 8:30 am. The Rabbits will hike at an earlier time to be determined. |